To honorable president martelly

Hey you dummy go learn about world history do you know how many country will colonise if it wasnot for the haitans woop the french in 1804 .70% of the world will be colonize do you know from 1804 to 2011 how much money the colon think they loss from slavery because of the haitian revolution we cant compte how many zero its I am not talking only about the french but also the dutch the english the spaniards the portugueuse the belges and dont forget they were gonna join by the germans the japanese because they had the same thing in their mind too it will be something that will be in the world forever if someone like haiti did not stepup its the same way for what has been going on in haiti for so long with the politicians in haiti we haitian people decide to save the country even no matter what people say about mister martelly we dont care we love our new president and thats it so stop talking trash about haiti because even country like union sovietic will join the colonisation too if its wasnt for us.

Posted by Tank on November 2 2011 at 3:56 PM


Hoo-ray! you make my day,by reminding those ignorant,arrogant,and stin k people,who don't even know what we haitian had acomplished on ...
Richelle, November 05 2011 · Reply

Be careful Richelle, Agentx is among this blog staff members who are discrediting Martelly for his achievements. After Martelly, it will be ...
Toulimen Legrand, November 05 2011 · Reply

Toulimen,unfortunatelly I don't believe biracial elites is the problem.For instance,Jean Claude is not biracial however,Haiti was in good hand ...
Richelle, November 05 2011 · Reply

Martelly and Duvalier are not biracial people, but the elites want them to believe that they are mulattos where they are not. I don't believe ...
Toulimen Legrand, November 05 2011 · Reply

The gang of seven richest families in Haiti refuse to negotiate the wealth of Haiti with poor Haitians, they will die and even their progenies ...
Jean-bas, November 06 2011 · Reply

I understand what you are saying,but look what aristide did to the country.Aristide is well educated,the point is dark skinned haitian are ...
Richelle, November 07 2011 · Reply