Bad:Mrs. Aristide to be the next Lavalas President

37 year old Ricardo Ortega, a veteran reporter for the Spanish television station Antena 3, seen in this undated tv image, was shot and later died while covering the conflict in Haiti, Sunday March 7, 2004. Gunmen opened fire on thousands of unarmed protesters demandi

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Warning and Warning to Haitians all over the World.

Mrs. Arisitde to be the next Lavalas President that is very sad news to report but it is very true though.

Warning Warning to all Haitians around the world.

Posted by Former Lavals Converti on November 30 2011 at 12:15 AM


Do you really believe that people will vote for HIM? If people vote for him,they will deserve everything they will be getting. This is where some ...
Marjorie Middy, December 03 2011 · Reply

Middy, I don't want any of the former regimes to return into the political arena. Aristide and Duvaliers should give up to the idea of returning ...
Eugene Lambert, December 04 2011 · Reply

Eugene: W O W!! Are you writing these things for effect or do you really believe them? I don't want the former repressive regimes to be back ...
Marjorie Middy, December 04 2011 · Reply

The former regimes should be silenced by all means. I am not protecting the status quo as a biracial Haitian person. I am not proud of ...
Eugene, December 11 2011 · Reply