Haiti Commission Recommends To Restore The Army

Jean Pierre Alexandre - January 3 2012, 5:29 PM

President Martelly, we need a real army with great skills and knowledge for any kind of battlefield
Haiti need an army very fast, ASAP

a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/americas/haiti-commission-recommends-president-restore-disbanded-army/2012/01/01/gIQAX86uUP_story.html">washingtonpost.com/world/americas/...

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Douvino says...

Great Idea Jean Pierre, But i was just wonder, what about "Corps des Leopards" back. They were well trained and good. I think we should think about that while thinking about rebuilding our new army corps. more »

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Douvino,matter of fact i was told last night by a close,very reliable source they will be many Corps with different similarities of Corps des leopards. To be precise,one of them "National guards". Suggestions are flying like bats regarding the ar more »

Douvino says...

Great news, Jean Pierre, I hope they get on it now, we need those ministah to go right away. Out, out, enough is enough. thanks Jean Pierre, we need our Army back so bad. more »