Michel Martelly Hororr-scope

Michel Martelly is an Aquarius(Western horoscope) and a ox (Chinese horoscope)
Aquarius Astrology January 20 - February 18
Aquarius Strength Keywords:
- Witty
- Clever
- Humanitarian
- Inventive
- Original
Aquarius Weakness Keywords:
- Stubborn
- Unemotional
- Sarcastic
- Rebellious
- Aloof
Aquarius and Independence:
Aquarius personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee. They need to be free to be on their own. Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to their well being.

Aquarius and Friendship:
Beneath the detached, unemotional exterior lies a kind hearted friend that will go out of their way to help another.

They love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good. They do not expect anything in return for this could put a damper on their freedom, they live with no strings attached.

They are very unconventional and always full of excitement, an Aquarius friend always makes life fun. They might offer you a spontaneous last minute camping trip with no supplies prepared, if you decide to go along, you will have a weekend to remember forever!
Aquarius and Business:
Aquarius likes to do something useful with their lives, mixing that with their amazing way with people, they make excellent politicians and social workers/psychologists.

They are progressive thinkers and are great at forming new ideologies and theories, any type of research is very suited to Aquarius.

Aquarius one downfall in the business world is the attention to detail, they like the grand ideas and massive plans and can make them happen, but the mundane day to day repetitive details causes them to procrastinate.

Aquarius needs a secretary.

Aquarius and Temperament:
Aquarius tend to be rebels just for the sake of having their own way. Their stubbornness sometimes causes their failure, they will continue to do something their way even though others have proved it is wrong, they are very smart people and know it is wrong but they will continue just because it is their way, they are very fixed in opinion and stubborn when confronted.

Despite their stubbornness and fixed opinion, they will never impose their ideas on others, they have respect for everybody's differences.

Aquarius Deep Inside:
Aquarius are in search of wisdom, they are very observant and they can gather their information objectively because emotions do not get in the way, they seem to be above emotions altogether and when they speak, they speak the truth.

Sometimes it may be shocking or painful because of their disregard for the feelings of others, but they intend no harm, they call it like they see it and do not emotions cloud their judgment, they are very detached from emotion.

It is not that Aquarius are unemotional, they just to not trust their emotions so they incorporate them into their ideas of who they are. As a result, if someone does not agree with their ideas, Aquarius sometimes takes it personally, not as much as other zodiac signs however as Aquarius is intellect driven and not emotionally driven.

Sometimes they wonder if there is something in life that they are missing because they do not feel like other people feel. This does not necessarily prevent them from being involved in intimate relationships, they are capable of this but the person on the other end will always notice an air of detachment from Aquarius.

Aquarius wonders 'why?' so much that they can question their existence.

They wonder if what they are doing is useful, they want other people to notice them and appreciate them, this is caused by underlying insecurities that wonder if other people accept them for who they are but these are never brought to the surface because to an Aquarius, it does not matter that much because they know that they are special.

Aquarius in a Nutshell:
Aquarius is the sign of visionaries, unconventionality and intellectual independence.

Aquarius are the people who deviate from the crowd and go their own way. They are always after intellectual stimulation, constantly discovering something new, forming new opinions and stubbornly traveling their way regardless of what other people think.

Aquarius are filled with paradoxes, they are interested in the opposite ends of the spectrum, they like to be alone yet are social butterflies, they like to experience both sides and see both opinions as they formulate new ideas with their forward thinking, active mind. Aquarius have a 'live and let live' policy where everyone is free to be themselves, an Aquarius never judges others because as human beings, we are all equal and entitled to our own opinions.

They are verbally skilled and very witty, they observe people and learn how to interact with others through observation.

They can be masters of manipulation justifying anything they do or think.

As a result, they can deal with any type of personality and adapt to any situation.

They welcome change because boredom is their enemy.

Anything new is an opportunity to Aquarius.

Aquarius can act as an expert on any topic, they are very good at inflating their own importance, they feel it is deserved because their eccentricity makes them unique.

Conventional people beware, Aquarius likes to shock and deviate from the norm, this is how they live. Aquarius is known to pick at anyone they find weak or dull-minded.

It is simply an easy target for verbal exercise for them, no harm is meant but it might be taken from the other person.

Deep inside, Aquarius would never intentionally hurt anyone, they have respect for every human, even thought this might not seem apparent to the more emotional types.

What it's Like to Date a Aquarius Woman:
The Aquarius woman is the ultimate independent woman.

She is funny, smart, adventurous, never clingy or jealous, never demanding and not overly emotional.

She is unpredictable and craves excitement.

Anything goes with this woman and any man that she chooses will have an amazing relationship.

Court her and woo her, she expects this ladylike treatment, she is old fashioned in that sense but be known that her mind is already made up and if she is not interested, she will never be interested.

The relationship will progress slowly because she does not get emotionally involved very easily and she is not one for showy displays of romantic affection.

The man who is trying to win her heart has to treat her with respect and treat her as an equal.

Communication is key, this is how a relationship with an Aquarius woman evolves.

Once she trusts you and you two grow closer, she is an amazing loyal and kindhearted person.

She will always seem to be detached, she fears losing her identity in a relationship so do not be surprised if even in a long term relationship she seems more like a fiend then a romantic partner.

Do not press her emotionally or tie her down with demands and obligations because this will cause her to run. Never be jealous, this is a big red flag to her and she will leave right away, the Aquarius woman can never be tied down, she is free as a bird. If you give her all she needs, she will be completely faithful so you should not worry when she is out on her own, give her space and respect her privacy and all will be well. Aquarius woman is for the man who loves a challenge and adventure.

What it's Like to Date a Aquarius Man:
This man is all about intellectual stimulation.

You can be the prettiest girl in the world but if you do not stir his mind, he won't bother.

Communication is so important to this man. Deep inside he longs for love but this causes him inner trouble because of his inability to understand emotion so an Aquarius man in love often stumbles on his own words, be patient with him and don't hold it against him because deep inside, he is having fun. Beware that an Aquarius man can fall out of love as easily as falling in love. The woman has to be able to adapt to him, he will not change for anybody and demands respect and understanding for the way he is, no matter how eccentric his ideals are. He needs stimulation and a partner to share life's adventures with, not just someone to sit on the couch and watch a movie all the time. Do not press him emotionally or tie him down with demands and obligations because this will cause him to run. Never be jealous, this is a big red flag to him and he will leave right away, the Aquarius man can never be tied down. If you give him all he needs, he will be completely faithful so you should not worry when he is out on his own, give him space and respect his privacy and all will be well. Aquarius man is for the woman who loves a challenge and adventure.

How to Attract Aquarius:
Communication is key. You must be able to stimulate their minds, engage in a friendly, witty verbal battle but do not expect to come to any conclusions, this is not the point.

They crave the brain exercise.

If you unable to keep up with the intellect and the unconventional ways that Aquarius is known for, you might want to look elsewhere.

Aquarius needs communication compatibility more then anything else. Have variety in your dates, think of interesting things to do like a trip to the zoo, but if you can't think of any crazy idea, leave it up to Aquarius to make plans but do not be surprised if they change the plan in the middle, be flexible like them. They do not like naggers or complainers so keep the talk positive and all should be well.
Aquarius Erogenous Zone:
The calves and ankles are the most sensitive spots.

Most Aquarius like their ankles tied together or at least held down. They enjoy calf massages and light scratching with your fingernails on their ankles and legs.
Sex With Aquarius:
Aquarius have a very imaginative approach to sex, they like creativity and novelty, they are not fond of not passion and an emotional sex. Sex to an Aquarius is a fun thing, expect to laugh and be silly, it's like a fun game between a couple.

Anything goes with Aquarius, they like spontaneous encounters and quicki

People born in the year of the ox are steady, plain and quiet.

They arrange things system-atically and they are patient and tireless.

They are usually ready to take other's advice and act with justice.

But it is not easy to change their minds because they are stubborn and sometimes prejudice.

Because people born in the year of the ox are reliable and steady, they are trusted by their superiors or persons in authority.

Where there is responsibility, you will always find them. However, they should be careful not to be carried away by success.

Their dauntless character and logical way of thinking is covered up by their plain appearance.

Their intelligence and nimbleness are covered up by their reticence and restrained manner.

Although they may be introverted by nature, when an opportunity is presented they can become quite dignified and eloquent speakers.

They face danger fearlessly, and betray no fear in face of threats.

They have a natural and intense trust in themselves.

All of these features help them to put everything into order in times of trouble.

People born in the year of the ox do things in an orderly way. They follow settled rules, respect traditional concepts, and always do things the way other people want them to. So people can foresee what they will do the next. They believe that only those who have a down to earth style of work may never be defeated.

People born in other years can achieve success depending on their intelligence or other's help. But people born in the year of the ox depend on their own tenacious will and active spirit of devotion.

They never believe in chance, keep their words, and once a word is spoken will not take it back even when pulled by a team of four horses (what is said cannot be unsaid).

They take an indifferent attitude towards common biases.

They will do their jobs with single-hearted devotion, and never give up when something is half-way done.

They are naive when they think about other people's secrets.

They cannot fully understand the feelings of others, and seldom cheat others to win their love. Poetry and serenades seldom appear in their lives, even the gifts they give will be durable and practical.

Since people born in the year of the ox are quite traditional, it may take a long time for a man born in the year of the ox to propose marriage to a woman.

Such a man may be broad minded and maintain good order, but when he proposes marriage to a pretty girl, he will become clumsy and slow in speech.

If you happen to be married to him and trust him completely, he will never disappoint you and will be loyal to you all his life. Although he cannot give you mounds of diamonds, or chests of leather clothing, he will try to make your life as comfortable as he can, and never ask for your help.

If you are lucky enough to marry a woman born in the year of the ox, you will find that she is a serious person.

She will iron your clothing like your mother once did, never forgetting to fold the newspaper on your desk, and will make you delicious breakfasts.

She will be very neat and always punctual.

After your marriage you will never lack clean clothing, you will never wear stockings with holes in them, and you will never have to eat burnt food. Thus she will be an ideal wife.

If a man born in the year of the ox feels unhappy about something, this unhappiness will have developed little by little.

His memory is precise and can last for a long time. If you harm him, he will remember every detail.

People born in the year of the tiger or rooster will complain when they find themselves in adverse circumstances.

And those born in the year of the sheep and rabbit will become somewhat sulky.

But those born in the year of the ox are different.

They will try to reduce their pain and tension through hard work. If they are frustrated in love, they will work hard and refuse the coming "danger" by remaining single.

People born in the year of the ox do not like to owe other people money.

The money they repay will be accurate to the last decimal point.

And they will have the same requirement of others.

If they owe you something without expressing thanks, they will never forgive themselves.

You will not get empty thanks from them; they dislike flowery language and flattering words because they think this harms their honor.

People born in the year of the ox are very patient.

But they can be horrible if they lose their tempers.

At such times they will lose their senses and attack those who hurt them like angry bulls.

The only way to cool the anger of a person such as this is to stand away from him and let him cool down gradually.

But there is no need to worry, they will not get into a fight unless they are driven beyond the limits of forbearance.

Their words are the rules of their family.

They know how to give an order and how to make others follow their order.

They hope other people carry out their orders firmly and adhere to their principles on key matters.

Although they do not easily become excited, they love their wives and children and they are willing to do anything for them.

People born in the year of the ox have their feet planted on solid ground, and they are not swayed by their emotions.

If you ask for their advice on some problem, you will find their support to be quite reliable.

All of them have good physiques, and are seldom sick, they trust themselves and never compromise.

They show contempt for other's weaknesses.

People born in the year of the ox are born with the ability to lead. They know how to keep people within the bounds of discipline and they are often quite strict.

They think one must fulfill one's duty, and do not put barriers in other's roads.

Their shortcomings are their stiffness and awkwardness, their calculating nature and their rather standoffish attitude.

They are never sly, and do not know how to show consideration for others.

They have the qualities of a good soldier.

This makes them unsuitable for public relations work and foreign affairs.

However people respect them because they are honest, effective, and have a strong sense of principle.

If they can try to develop more of a sense of humor and enthusiasm, they will live happy lives.

People born in the year of the ox do not willing seize chances to gain advantage by trickery.

They have a strong sense of morality.

They never reach their goals in any improper way. They advocate self-reliance.

They do not want people to help them. So if you want to give them help, you will have to implore them in order to do so.

People born in the year of the ox are cautious.

They like long-term, stable investments.

They are not gamblers, and others taking risks only annoy them
1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033

Ox personality traits
Still waters run deep, as anyone who has observed an Ox will tell you.

People born in the Year of the Ox are the supremely self-assured, and as a result are noted for inspiring confidence in others.

Generally patient and thoughtful, they measure their words, and will speak clearly and concisely often when it matters most.

Born to lead, Ox people can be quite stubborn

Posted by Mambo Legal on February 13 2012 at 5:33 AM