Approval to the President
Hi Mr. President
Totay I'm so happy to talk to you and I'm convinced that my correspondence will be read and answered due to your open way.
Let me tell you, verily, verily I didn't like you, in fact, I didn't vote for you. Finally I happen to love you. You're the haitian pride.
I'm proud of you, so is my family.
My church members are praying for you to succeed in your challenging mission.
Keep going that way. Only I'd you to focus on the countrysides rather.
By opening on the countrysides, people will naturally leave Port-au-Prince to return in their hometown.
The main edges should be: Education, factories, Health care, electricity ( In Hoc signo vinces).
Once again I do love you. I wish I could meet you, I know it isn't possible.I'M praying for you, for my country which success in mine.