Haiti Is Importing 34 Cuban Mechanics?
Haiti, Cuba sign deal to bring Cuban technicians to repair government buses and trucks
Foreign Minister Laurent Lamothe says the deal will bring 34 Cuban mechanics to make repairs to school buses, garbage trucks and heavy equipment.
So you mean to tell me that out of all the Haitians in Haiti and in the diaspora the government cannot find 34 qualified Haitian mechanics to make repairs to school buses, garbage trucks and heavy equipment?
Wow that's sad!
Diaspora/ Double nationalite' c'est la classe moyenne, la classe professionelle d'Haiti. La constitution droit changer pour attirer les 4 million d ' Haitiens de la Diaspora Des gens prepare' et qualifie' qui veulent investir et inje more »
Because of lack of new parts those Cuban Mechanics can be very ingenious but are they actualized...up to date? What kind of Buses we have in Haiti now? Cuba is the only Country in the Planet that still rides on Al Capone and Sam Giancana cars but more »
DIASPORA/ DOUBLE NATIONALITE' SE: Docteurs, mecaniciens, professeurs, cultivateurs techniciens, electri ciens, infirmieres, contables, pharmaciens. musiciens, painteurs, ac teurs, constructeurs, ingenieurs, ecrivains, pilots avion, nutritio nists more »
1000 dako avek ou, Antoine, Epi mwen panse yo tap ka jwen des Diasporas volontaires aussi bien. Mais d'apres la situation du pays, La decision du gouvernement vis a vis les techniciens cubain,mwen dako tou a 1000. more »
This is only politics,i mean bad politics. By the way the Diasporas are here only as a natural resource to milk. The result is not far to come. more »