Erosion, climate change cause agriculture disaster in Haiti...

Yvrance Unelus - July 25 2013, 10:43 AM

Erosion, climate change cause agriculture disaster in Haiti.

The Haitian soil needs fertilizer, irrigation.

The agronomists should get together with farmers to develop agriculture in Haiti.

Haiti needs greenhouses for plants nurseries.

Agriculture can bring great profit to Haiti, but the young farmers do not plant enough, they get involved in bolette and listening to radio transistors instead of planting mango, pumpkin, watermelon, corn, bananas etc. The agronomists of Haiti should have a monthly meeting with the farmers for agriculture to come to fruition in Haiti.

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What is the crap that you are talking about. If you...


Duvalier caused agriculture disaster, insecurity & slums in Haiti

♦From 1959 to year 2011 Haitian agriculture deteriorated progressively because Duvalier

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