Obama ak Martelly "2 pil a a" It's by design.

Jean Pierre Alexandre - June 4 2014, 9:01 AM

As ENGLAND owns all the islands in the caribbean, be certain that the Americans want this to be their own private pleasure paradise.

So maybe they decided to scare out the current tenants.

We know that the uberwealthy (call them Illuminati, Call them Bilderbergers, call them Satanists, whatever,) they have HAARP technology and other machines that can create earth quakes.

So if they want some country they can just break it in half and take it. Rebuild it at their leisure.

Oh come on. We know that there are cruel, venal people who'll do anything to get pretty things.

It's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before.

The BRITISH OLIGARCHS totally ignored the starving IRISH in the 1850s in a time of plagued food sources, starvation and crisis.

It was their colony but they let the famine go on for years.

America has done the same thing.

Clinton and the UN stood by and did nothing during Rwanda.

We know that they are Agent provocateurs in our Intelligence agency.

There are opportunists.

Some mysterious shuffling, organizing agenda has been in play for generations.

Get the people off the land, get the land. Get the minerals.

This group now has their people in charge of every nation on the globe.

They control economies, religions, media and politics.

This can be demonstrated by the fact that there is a universal cry from all quarters to follow "the agenda".

This "one voice" is their voice, and it will be obeyed as long as the vast majority of people continue to let it ring out and don't seem to hear it so they ignore it.

Through the World's intelligence agencies, the Illuminati control the trillion dollar narcotics trade, organized crime, sex slaves, arms dealers, street gangs, casinos, and all other methods used to poison and subvert
families, communities and society.

They operate their agenda from their vast corporate, political and media empire.

They control the nations of the earth and their militaries.

They change the monkey on the throne at will, using CIA covert operatives.

Criitical in understanding how their agenda is unfolding in Haiti is to know first off, a little history.

Haiti has a history of military dictatorships installed and controlled by the CIA. Just as it owned CUBA until FIDEL came along.

Fidel was a slave colony very similar, but more wealthy people in control.

It had been more developed at the top. But the bottom was all starving slaves, though not as bad as Haiti.

Screen the film "BURN" starring Marlon Brando for an accurate picture.

Two nations feel very close to HAITI and have been helping for years, CUBA and VENEZUELA.


You know that friends help friends, so you could be certain both Cubans and Chavez socialists would have run to help if it weren't for the MARINES having landed there to keep them out. Cuba already had 400 doctors there.


What did the USA SEND TO HAITI?


From 1957 to 1986, the Duvalier family reigned as dictators, turning the country into a hermit kingdom with a personality cult and corruption.

They created the private army and terrorist death squads known as Tonton Macoutes.

Many Haitians fled to exile in the United States and Canada, especially French-speaking Quebec.

In the 1970s the United States funded major efforts to establish assembly plants for U.S. manufacturers.

So you could see how their minds were working.

A SLAVE COLONY! YUMMY! In the mid 1980s the US continued military and economic aid to the regime.

In 1986 protests against "Baby Doc" led the U.S. to arrange for Duvalier and his family to be exiled to France.

Army leader General Henri Namphy headed a new National Governing Council.

In March 1987 a new Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the

General elections in November were aborted hours after dozens
were shot by soldiers and the Tonton Macoute in the capital and scores more
around the country.


To prevent dissidents from gaining any real influence, the CIA trained
"death squads" to hunt down and murder political opponents to its policies.

A CIA front company was brought in:

"Moreover, US troops remained in the country until 1999. The Haitian armed
forces were disbanded and the US State Department hired a mercenary company
DynCorp to provide "technical advice" in restructuring the Haitian National
Police (HNP).

"DynCorp has always functioned as a cut-out for Pentagon and CIA covert
operations." (See Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn, Counterpunch,
February 27, 2002, corpwatch.org/issues/PID.jsp?artic... )
Under DynCorp advice in Haiti, former Tonton Macoute and Haitian military
officers involved in the 1991 Coup d'Etat were brought into the HNP."

Many people still believe that the CIA was making the Caribbean Island safe
from Communism.

In reality, other motives were at work:

" According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Haiti remains
"the major drug trans-shipment country for the entire Caribbean region,
funneling huge shipments of cocaine from Colombia to the United States."
(See US House of Representatives, Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human
Resources Subcommittee, FDHC Transcripts, 12 April 2000).

It is estimated that Haiti is now responsible for 14 percent of all the
cocaine entering the United States, representing billions of dollars of
revenue for organized crime and US financial institutions, which launder
vast amounts of dirty money.

The global trade in narcotics is estimated to
be of the order of 500 billion dollars.

Much of this transshipment trade goes directly to Miami, which also
constitutes a haven for the recycling of dirty money into bona fide
investments, e.g. in real estate and other related activities."

This fact was not lost on John Kerry's committee in the U.S.Congress:

The evidence confirms that the CIA was protecting this trade during the
Duvalier era as well as during the military dictatorship (1991-1994).

1987, Senator John Kerry as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Narcotics,
Terrorism and International Operations of the Senate Foreign Affairs
Committee was entrusted with a major investigation, which focused on the
links between the CIA and the drug trade, including the laundering of drug
money to finance armed insurgencies.

"The Kerry Report" published in 1989,
while centering its attention on the financing of the Nicaraguan Contra,
also included a section on Haiti:

"Kerry had developed detailed information on drug trafficking by Haiti's
military rulers that led to the indictment in Miami in 1988, of Lt. Col.
Jean Paul. The indictment was a major embarrassment to the Haitian military,
especially since Paul defiantly refused to surrender to U.S. authorities..

In November 1989, Col. Paul was found dead after he consumed a traditional
Haitian good will gift-a bowl of pumpkin soup...

The U.S. senate also heard testimony in 1988 that then interior minister,
Gen. Williams Regala, and his DEA liaison officer, protected and supervised
cocaine shipments.

The testimony also charged the then Haitian military
commander Gen. Henry Namphy with accepting bribes from Colombian traffickers
in return for landing rights in the mid 1980's.

It was in 1989 that yet another military coup brought Lt. Gen. Prosper Avril
to power...

According to a witness before Senator John Kerry's subcommittee,
Avril is in fact a major player in Haiti's role as a transit point in the
cocaine trade." ( Paul DeRienzo, Haiti's Nightmare: The Cocaine Coup & The
CIA Connection, Spring 1994,
globalresearch.ca/articles/RIE402A.html )

The names have changed, but the business has remained the same.

All you Americans have to do is NOT be IGNORANT.

Keep your eye on the
guy moving the nuts around.

If he knows you are watching, he'll foul up.
You will catch him. Laws like the BOLAND amendment do prevent the
oligarchs raping people like us, countries like ours.

(The reptilian blood lines don't care, they are in charge.)

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Franckner Larece says...

Thank you very much for reading a smart articles in your newspaper. Keep the news on Haiti coming. Good bless more »

Joseph Silvio says...

This is a new era. It is time to stop complaining about flibusters, and pirates. You just have to put more security to watch over your country. Some tourists just come to relax, to meet new people.You just have to learn English and start entertaini more »