Advance Happy Birthday Greetings to You
Respected Sir,
Kindly accept Your 55th Birth Day(12/02/1961) Greetings on 12/02/2016, on behalf of India/an Indian citizen wishing You & Your Families continued good health.
I am proud, because my birthday is 12/02/1961 and that is the main similarity between You & me.
Kindly send me one of Your Autographed Card for my personal collection and obliged.
With High Regards,
Anirudhya Chattopadhya
IF-3/2 Foira Bhaban
Aswininagar, Baguiati,
West Bengal, India
Tel. No. 91 033 2591-8104
Mob. No. 91 9433129246
Posted by Anirudhya Chattopadhya on February 7 2016 at 7:04 AM