Haiti : President Michel Martelly Archives
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This is the archive of
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May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 2016
Feb 7, 2016
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- PHOTO: Haiti Elections - President Martelly akonpaye Sophia Martelly k ap Vote
- Haiti President Michel Martelly in Taiwan
- Haiti President Martelly - Visite au Panama
- Sophia Martelly - Coupe de ruban - Inauguration Ecole Nationale Maranatha de Golas
- PHOTO - Haiti - President Martelly nan Ile-a-Vache March 2015
- Hopital OFATMA de Cayes Haiti
- PHOTO: Haiti - Lancement Programme Klinik Mobil nan Lekòl yo
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Michel Martelly Visite Warf Jeremie
- President Martelly - ceremonie remise de diplomes College Interamericain de Defense (CID)
- PHOTO: Haiti Education - Nouveau Lycee de Savanette ke Gouvenman Martelly-Lamothe la fek konstwi
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly meeting with Haitian Senators 01 October 2014
- Les Honorables Sénateurs de la République pendant la rencontre avec l'exécutif.
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ak Senatè Simon Desras ap bay la main
- Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs
- Haitian Media Interview Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe in New York
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Michel Martelly Visite Warf Jeremie
- PHOTO: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe Lekol Piblik nan Potoprens
- PHOTO: Haiti - Premier Ministre Evans Paul depose au CEP le décret électoral
- PHOTO: Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Visit to Boston (USA)
- President Martelly nan vil Aquin pou Lansman kanpay rebwazman
- VIDEO: Entèvyou Lavwadlamerik Ak Prezidan Haiti Michel Martelly
- Video : Rencontre du President Michel Joseph Martelly avec la Commission des Affaires etrangeres de la chambre des Representants.
- VIDEO: President Michel Martelly and Barack Obama, 6 Feb 2014, White House, Washington
- Haiti - Laurent Lamothe - Commémoration 1er Mai, fête de l'Agriculture et du Travail, à Damien
- VIDEO: Arrivee President Martelly et PM Lamothe - Republique Dominicaine