Agent X - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives

Topic and comments posted by Agent X

Martelly and the USA are trying to make Haiti a police state

Martelly mistakenly believe that he could transform Haiti into a police state for the benefit of the USA and its transnational corporations under the aegis --> Haiti is open for business of repressing and killing its citizen under the supervision... more »

Aristide And The Baby Eating Ceremony

HAITI VODOO: ARISTIDE AND THE BABY - Friday October 15, 2010 Sacrificing of a new born baby in order to keep President Jean Bertrand Aristide in power HAITI VODOO: ARISTIDE AND THE BABY 21:30 Hours, March 5, 2000. Only Aristide more »

Perfect analogy how the US is protecting the criminal macoutes

According to the BBC News Europe, "A high-ranking Nazi officer who helped develop a mobile gas chamber became a spy for West Germany after World War II, archives have revealed." When criminal worked for an Empire or a regime interest, those... more »

F.A.D.H. Was made for the security of the Haitian bourgeoisie

F.A.D.H. Was made for the security of the Haitian bourgeoisie and the interest of the Americans and transnational corporations with the duty to enforce the desiderata of the aforesaid groups at the expense of the Haitian masses. That is why the... more »

If weapons is so unimportant and worthless,why right after the

If weapons is so unimportant and worthless,why right after the January 12th 2010 earthquake in Haiti some foreign power thought it was more important to send several thousand of marines in civilian clothes and in uniform with heavy weapons to... more »

Agent-Y reports the News but does not makes the news

This is a reply to jean Pierre Alexandre and his acolytes. Agent-X is the historian, archivist and Editorialize for Agency-X-1804. Agent-Y works for the same agency in the capacity of News reporter. When something happened or is unfolding we simply... more »

Video showing how Aristide protected Haiti & US E. coast from Irene

This id the proof showing how Aristide protected Haiti and the US East coast from the furors of hurricane Irene. I know that Jean Pierre Alexandre will deny it despite of great contrary evidence ☺ more »

Worldwide Mobilization Media in Haiti for Friday September 30th 2011

24 Septanm 2011 -> 11:22 more »

Warning - The International Surgeon General warns that reading

Warning - The International Surgeon General warns that reading Agent-X causes intellectual obesity,conscientization and patriotism among Haitians. Agent-X entertains,inform,teach and try to raise the intellectual ceiling of his readers while... more »

Haiti needs Five Millions [5,000,000] Rifles against the imperialists

The imperialists have no sympathy and respect for poor and defenseless nations. The Haitians national heroes like Toussaint Louverture, Jean Jacques Dessalines, and Henry Christophe understood this fundamental truth over two hundred years ago. That... more »

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