Marjorie Middy - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Marjorie Middy
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At Jean Pierre, No disagreement that Haiti needs leaders who...
June 10, 2012 12:03 AM
At Jean Pierre, No disagreement that Haiti needs leaders who are able to protect its soil, its assets and its people but tell me what kind of chances Haiti has with machetes against automatic weapons? I doubt strongly that Aristide has, had or will... more »
Agent-X Monopolizing Belpolitik Blog and Why?
June 3, 2012 11:19 PM
Did anybody sell Belpolitik Blog to Agent-X? This person is monopolizing the Blog with a lot of repetitious nonsense, yet nothing is being done about it, while other bloggers tried to enlightened the public, they get caught off. Now I understand... more »
Toulimem, Americans will not return Gitmo to Cuba. They still...
December 11, 2011 7:48 PM
Toulimem, Americans will not return Gitmo to Cuba. They still consider it a strategic point. Why would they relocate the prisoners. I thought the intent was to close down the place. Why would US return La Navassa to Haiti. During the past 2... more »
Toulimen, The last time I have checked, La Navase belongs to...
December 10, 2011 8:41 PM
Toulimen, The last time I have checked, La Navase belongs to Haiti with some legal dispute with the US. There was nothing conclusive that the Island belongs to the US. The last time I have checked was exactly last Winter... You have missed the... more »
December 10, 2011 5:55 PM
Thanks to the Duvaliers and to some extent the Haitians themselves ended up in the Dominican Republic where they are not getting their fair shake at life. Even though the Haitians contribute proportionally high to the Dominican Republic's economy... more »
Eugene: W O W!! Are you writing these things for effect or do...
December 4, 2011 8:28 PM
Eugene: W O W!! Are you writing these things for effect or do you really believe them? I don't want the former repressive regimes to be back in power any more than you do. But what you and I want and what the People decide to do are two different... more »
Do you really believe that people will vote for HIM? If people...
December 3, 2011 5:24 PM
Do you really believe that people will vote for HIM? If people vote for him,they will deserve everything they will be getting. This is where some of us would part company with Haiti for good. more »
Yes, Haiti will not be a recluse State anymore. That is a good...
December 3, 2011 12:37 AM
Yes, Haiti will not be a recluse State anymore. That is a good thing!! especially now that we are open for business. more »
Agent-x, Dr. Feel bad, Maxime, charline et als
November 10, 2011 5:56 PM
It is about time that we put agentxyzw and his other pseudos to rest. This person spent a lot of time surfing the net to find articles related or somewhat related to Haiti. In itself, there is no harm. But this person also knows how to make... more »
For a chameleon you sure don't know how to change your spots...
November 5, 2011 9:00 PM
For a chameleon you sure don't know how to change your spots. You and all your other aliases are sooooooo obvious including Casandra Rigaud. Don't hate the players, hate the game. Stop your politik tafia ak manchet. We want to move forward not that... more »
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