PHOTO: Haiti - Premier Roche la depoze pou construction yon Aeroport nan Ville Jeremie
Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier Minis Laurent Lamothe depoze Premier wosh la pou komansman travay construction yon Aeroport nan Ville Jeremie...
Anpil mou kontan pou sa e yo poste lakontantman yo sou rezo social yo.
Kisa-w panse de sa?
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Read: Haiti - Premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe lance les travaux de construction de l'aéroport de Jérémie
Read more about Laurent Lamothe, More Photos
All Comments (4)
Mw twouve se yon bagay pafè se sak fè map tou di popilasyon an konn ki moun pou yo vote pa okipe moun ka mete nou devan pou regle bagay pòch fè nou pran lari pou nou al fè grimas, li lè li tan pou nou konnen sa ki bon pou nou, tout sa kap mete nou devan dat yo la sa yo fè se egri yo egri wi yo wont yo wè yo gen plis ke 15zan yo la yo pa regle anyen yo pa vle gouvènman sa regle anyen yon fason lè pale de yo yap di yo pat fè anyen ya mete gouvènman sa ladann tou men chans pou gouvènman sa li eklere li pap okipe yo okontrè yap fè tenten e gouvènman an li menm lap travay.
Mw tou pwofite poum di prezidan an ak tout premye minis la bon travay ke bondye beni
Congratulations, Martelly/Lamothe Administration is going forward with tourism, real estate, affordable housing in the Grande Anse with an airport in Jeremie.
The next time I go to Haiti, I will take American Airline to JFK airport to Jeremie to visit all the South of Haiti and I do not have to go to Port au Prince for passport, visa. They will have to build recreation centers, dancing clubs, nice waterfront hotels, econolodges for tourists to vacation in the island.
Nou prale ouei yo nan Sud
bon travay devan nou prale nou pap tounen dèyè bravo mesye le dirijan nou la pou la
Michel Martelly pap genten fini airport la.sé Laurent ki pou fini li sou mandat pa li
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