Michel Martelly Presidential Archives

Browse through the Presidential photo archives of ex-Haiti President Michel Martelly. See all the pictures taken when Michel Martelly was in president of the Republic of Haiti.

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly, Desras, Thimoleon ak Arnel Alexis siyen yon accord

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly, Desras, Thimoleon ak Arnel Alexis siyen yon accord

Gade photo saa... Haiti - President 3 pouvwa leta yo, Michel Martelly, Desras Simon Dieuseul, Jacques Stevenson Thimoleon ak Arnel Alexis Josepj siyen yon accord politique jounen 29 Desanm 2014 la pou pwolonje manda palmantè yo pase dezyem lundi mwa janvier 2015...

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PHOTO: President Michel Martelly visite Fort de Joux en France nan Cachot kote Toussaint Louverture te mouri nan Prison

PHOTO: President Michel Martelly visite Fort de Joux en France nan Cachot kote Toussaint Louverture te mouri nan Prison

Gade photo saa.. President Haitien Michel Martelly visite Fort de Joux en France nan cachot kote Toussaint Louverture te mouri nan Prison...

Kote president kanpe a, se nan cachot saa menm ke papa Nation an, Toussaint Louverture, te rann denye souf li, nan prison La France apre yo te arete li.

Priscilla C. poste sou Facebook: "Mwen kwe se premier President nou ki fe sa. Sim pa tronpe-m. Se touchant... ke Bondie ba li force ansam ak Toussaint..."

Kisa-w panse de sa?

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President Michel Martelly sur le parquet du Gymnasium Vincent

President Michel Martelly sur le parquet du Gymnasium Vincent

Photo: President Michel Martelly sur le parquet du Gymnasium Vincent

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PHOTO: Haiti - Premier Roche la depoze pou construction yon Aeroport nan Ville Jeremie

PHOTO: Haiti - Premier Roche la depoze pou construction yon Aeroport nan Ville Jeremie

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier Minis Laurent Lamothe depoze Premier wosh la pou komansman travay construction yon Aeroport nan Ville Jeremie...

Anpil mou kontan pou sa e yo poste lakontantman yo sou rezo social yo.

Kisa-w panse de sa?

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PHOTO: President Martelly Ateri New York pou participer nan 69ème Assemblée des Nations-Unie

PHOTO: President Martelly Ateri New York pou participer nan 69ème Assemblée des Nations-Unie

Gade photo saa... Haiti President Michel Martelly ak tout madanm li, Premiere dame Sophia Martelly ateri nan lakou New York nan lanwit Mardi 23 Septanm 2014 la pou participer nan 69ème Assemblée des Nations-Unie...

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PHOTO: Nouvo Lycee Charlemagne Peralte de Hinche ke Gouvenman Martelly-Lamothe la fèk Konstwi

PHOTO: Nouvo Lycee Charlemagne Peralte de Hinche ke Gouvenman Martelly-Lamothe la fèk Konstwi

Gade photo saa... Hinche Haiti - Nouvo Lycee Charlemagne Peralte de Hinche ke Gouvenman Martelly-Lamothe la fèk Konstwi nan vil la... saa se lakou lycee a...

Gade: Plis Photo: Lycee Charlemagne Peralte de Hinche

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PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ak elèv lekol yo...

PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ak elèv lekol yo...

Gade photo saa... Haiti president Martelly te pran lari jounen Lundi 08 Septanm 2014 la, dat ouvèti class an Haiti... Li te fè kek foto ak elèv lekol yo...

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PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe ap tcheke infrastructure aeroport Cap Haitien

PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe ap tcheke infrastructure aeroport Cap Haitien

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe ap tcheke travay infrastructure nan aeroport au Cap Haitien jounen Lundi 10 Aout 2014...

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PHOTO: Haiti President Martelly visits Mirlande Manigat after death of husband Lesly Manigat

PHOTO: Haiti President Martelly visits Mirlande Manigat after death of husband Lesly Manigat

Look at this Photo... Haiti President Martelly visits Mirlande Manigat after death of husband Lesly Manigat...

Former Haiti President Lesly Manigat died Friday 27 Jul 2014.

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President Michel Martelly, les membres Conseil d'Administration d'Organes de Securite Sociale (CAOSS) et du Conseil Superieur des Salaire

President Michel Martelly, les membres Conseil d'Administration d'Organes de Securite Sociale (CAOSS) et du Conseil Superieur des Salaire

Photo: Photo souvenir entre President Michel Martelly, les membres Conseil d'Administration d'Organes de Securite Sociale (CAOSS) et du Conseil Superieur des Salaire

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