Michel Martelly Presidential Archives

Browse through the Presidential photo archives of ex-Haiti President Michel Martelly. See all the pictures taken when Michel Martelly was in president of the Republic of Haiti.

President Michel Martelly intervenant au cours d'une conference de presse a Rio+20. Michel Joseph Martelly, intervenant au cours d'une conference de p

President Michel Martelly intervenant au cours d'une conference de presse a Rio+20. Michel Joseph Martelly, intervenant au cours d'une conference de p

Photo: President Michel Martelly intervenant au cours d'une conference de presse a Rio+20. Michel Joseph Martelly, intervenant au cours d'une conference de presse a Rio+20

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PHOTO: Haiti Education - Nouveau Lycee National Paul Eugène Magloire de Quartier Morin, Nord Haiti

PHOTO: Haiti Education - Nouveau Lycee National Paul Eugène Magloire de Quartier Morin, Nord Haiti

Gade photo saa... Lycee National Paul Eugène Magloire de Quartier Morin, ke Gouvenman Martelly-Lamothe la fek konstwi. Jounen Vandredi 26 Septanm 2014 la, Ministè Planification anonse ke Lycee saa pare pou lane lekol 2014-2015 la...

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Haiti - President Martelly Cleaning the Streets

Haiti - President Martelly Cleaning the Streets

Look at this photo... Haitian president Michel Martelly cleaning the streets of Haiti...

Gade photo saa... Prezidan Martelly k-ap pwopte lari-a

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PHOTO: Haiti - Elev Lekol Piblik nou yo...

PHOTO: Haiti - Elev Lekol Piblik nou yo...

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Depi lontan, te gen yon ti prejije en Haiti ant lekol Prive ak lekol piblik... Sa ki ale nan lekol National, sa ki ale nan lekol kay mere, kay fre... Apre 20 a 30 lane, tout moun ap bwase nan kan pa yo, ou pa konn kiles ki te kay mere, ni kiyes ki te lekol national... Aprann ABC w tande pitit, epi konen kisa w vle

Kek elev lekol piblik nan Port-au-Prince nan moman Premier minis Laurent Lamothe tap visite...

Laurent Lamothe ansanm ak minis education nationale la, Nesmy Manigat, te fe distribution kits scolaires ak manuels scolaires bay elevy yo ki te nan lekol nationale Celie LILAVOIS, lekol nationale République du BRÉSIL avek lekol nationale Isidor BOISROND.

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President Martelly Two-Year Anniversary Celebration

President Martelly Two-Year Anniversary Celebration

Look at this photo from the two-year anniversary celebration of Haitian president Michel Martelly in office... Many people gathered in front of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince Haiti to celebrate with the president

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PHOTO: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe Lekol Piblik nan Potoprens

PHOTO: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe Lekol Piblik nan Potoprens

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Premier minis Laurent Lamothe visite kek lekol nan kapital la...

Laurent Lamothe ansanm ak minis education nationale la, Nesmy Manigat, te fe distribution kits scolaires ak manuels scolaires bay elevy yo ki te nan lekol nationale Celie LILAVOIS, lekol nationale République du BRÉSIL avek lekol nationale Isidor BOISROND.

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President Martelly - ceremonie remise de diplomes College Interamericain de Defense (CID))

President Martelly - ceremonie remise de diplomes College Interamericain de Defense (CID))

Gade photo saa... President Martelly te partisipe nan ceremonie de remise de diplomes 53eme promotion College Interamericain de Defense

Haiti president Michel Martelly participated in the Inter-American Defense College (IADC), an international educational institution located in Washington D.C.

The eleven-month program provides senior military and government officials with a comprehensive understanding of governmental systems, the current international environment, structure and function of the Inter-American system, and an opportunity to study broad based security issues affecting the Hemisphere and the world.

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PHOTO: Marriott Port-au-Prince Hotel Inauguration

PHOTO: Marriott Port-au-Prince Hotel Inauguration

Look at this photo... Haiti President Michel Martelly participated in the inauguration of the Marriott Port-au-Prince Hotel in Turgeau Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mariott Port-au-Prince Hotel is affiliated with the American hotel chain Marriott International.

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PHOTO: Haiti - pa devan Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars

PHOTO: Haiti - pa devan Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars

Gade photo saa... Haiti - pa devan Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars...

Gouvenman Haitien an, alatet li president Michel Martelly ak premier minis Evans Paul, inaugure Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars la jounen 14 Mai 2015 la, dat ki make 4 lane depi President Martelly pran pouvwa kom president peyi a...

Kisa ou panse

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Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs

Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs

Look at this photo... Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs

Haiti First Lady Sophia Martelly visited Haiti Air Ambulance and Hospital Bernard Mevs Tuesday, May 20 2014, to get a better idea of their mission, their method of operation and especially to support them.

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