PHOTO: Duly Brutus - Haiti Minister of Foreign Affairs
Look at this photo... Duly Brutus - Haiti Minister of Foreign Affairs
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This is the archive of
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May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 2016
Feb 7, 2016
- President Martelly Two-Year Anniversary Celebration
- Sophia Martelly - Remise de certificat à 183 secouristes du Nord
- Immortel Dany Laferriere Reception Officielle - Palais National Haiti
- PHOTO: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe Lekol Piblik nan Potoprens
- Helicopter Ambulance - Haiti Air Ambulance - Ayiti Air Anbilans
- Vue de l ' Ecole Nationle Maranatha de Golas
- PM Laurent Lamothe - Inauguration Marche Carrefour-Feuilles
- Haiti - President Martelly Rencontre les Partis Politiques Signataire de l'accord El Rancho
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ap Vote nan Elections
- President Martelly - Inauguration Centre Sportif et Socio-culturel des Cayes
- President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ap Vote nan Elections
- PM Laurent Lamothe - Inauguration Marche Carrefour-Feuilles
- PHOTO: Haiti President Martelly KINAM avec des représentants de plusieurs partis politiques
- Haiti President Michel Martelly in Taiwan
- PHOTO: Haiti First Lady Sophia Martelly and Candida de Medina, first lady of the Dominican Republic
- Les Honorables Sénateurs de la République pendant la rencontre avec l'exécutif.
- Haiti President Michel Martelly in Taiwan
- President Martelly - Ceremonie 18 Mai 2014, Arcahaie Haiti - 211e anniversaire du Drapeau
- PHOTO: Haiti President Michel Martelly and Pope Francis
- Video : Anivèsè Prezidan Repiblik La Michel Joseph Martelly
- Haiti - Laurent Lamothe - Commémoration 1er Mai, fête de l'Agriculture et du Travail, à Damien
- VIDEO: Haiti - Premye Minis Laurent Lamothe te nan Ile à Vache pou pale sou pwojè yo ki ap fèt nan zile a
- VIDEO: Arrivee President Martelly et PM Lamothe - Republique Dominicaine
- VIDEO: President Michel Martelly honored by Happy Hearts Foundation in New York City