Evans Paul
PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly - Inauguration Kiosque Occide Jeanty
Gade photo saa... Gouvenman Haitien an, alatet li president Michel Martelly ak premier minis Evans Paul, inaugure Kiosque Occide Jeanty sou Champs-de-Mars la jounen 14 Mai 2015 la, dat ki make 4 lane depi President Martelly pran pouvwa kom president peyi a...
Kisa ou panse
PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly nan lansman fèt 1er Mai 2015
Gade photo saa... Haiti - President Michel Martelly, PM Evans Paul ak lot manm gouvènman an nan fèt 1er Mai 2015...
President Martelly ak ti chapo Haiti li nan tèt li... Kisa ou panse?
Kisa ou panse de sa?
PHOTO: Prime Ministers Laurent Lamothe and Evans Paul at Marriott Hotel Inauguration
Look at this photo, former Haiti prime minister Laurent Lamothe and current prime minister Evans Paul were both in attendance at the Marriott Port-au-Prince Hotel inauguration Tuesday 24 Feb 2015...
KREYOL: Haiti - PM Laurent Lamothe ak Evans Paul, tou 2 te nan inoguration nouvo lotel Marriott la nan Turgeau jounen Mardi 24 Fevrier 2015 la...
President Martelly te remèsye PM Lamothe li di ki te fè anpil jefò pou lotel la ateri... Kisa w panse de sa?