Hi Richelle, in politics people need to put anger and...

Toulimen Legrand - May 15 2011, 10:03 PM

Hi Richelle, in politics people need to put anger and political partisanship aside to play the hypocritical game. Martelly was supposed to do that even though Preval could be arrested in the next 72 hours for his mismanagement of those elections.

With anger, it can be difficult to acknowledge the work of another person, but if one can put anger aside and try to be rational one could acknowledge the efforts of someone's else. Obama did give credit to Bush during his inaugural ceremony.

Him and his wife had highlighted all the efforts of Bush during the transition period and they had openly talked about the warm welcoming reception as organized by Bush for them before Obama's inaugural ceremony.

Richelle, I am not trying to import America's faked democracy in Haiti rather I am trying to help Haitian leaders to deal with all the Haitian issues on a more civilized way. Listen, Preval might not be a good president for Haiti for over 10 years, but what I would like to say is this: In his last three months, he had accomplished a lot of overdue issues such as the Dual Citizenship Law started since 1865 which dated the first American coup d'etat in Haiti against one of the most democratic elected president that Haiti had never had in the name of Lysius Fellicite Salomon Jeune, two consecutive terms for future Haitian president, constitutional amendment and the education plan to name a few which the international community considers as major landmarks for Haiti.

We all need to be grateful to his government whether we don't like him and I wanted Martelly to give him credit for that on an hypocritical way. Politics, Richelle is not what we think it is and sometimes one may sleep with the enemy on a same bed to get some deals done. I am not a politician because I am too honest to be a politician, but I have learned some skills to deal with politicians if I have to enter this blame-game accusation's arena.

In politics, people are very hypocrits.

They can praise you before a large audience and behind your back they can stab you to death.

The international community takes notes about Martelly and they already believe that his heart is filled with a lot of anger and he is going to manage Haiti on a dictatorial manner to get things done. I am not advocating that's going to be the way he will be managing Haiti, but by not acknowledging the efforts of Mr. Preval on an hypocritical way lets other believe wrong things about him.

He still can repair this mistake.

Martelly needs everyone to manage Haiti and he needs to start being a true politician in order not to repeat the mistakes of Aristide.

The latter I believe does not wish him well and his heart is filled with a lot of anger too. He has the right to be mad, but we all need to put aside our anger to heal and save Haiti.

I thank you for replying and we will continue our civilized dialog as always.

May the Almighty One bless you and guide your steps! You are blessed and protected! Take care Toulimen!

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Ce que je critique de lui, c



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