The book you are mentioning and cherishing so much has nothing...

Agent-x - May 26 2011, 7:04 PM

The book you are mentioning and cherishing so much has nothing to do with Haiti and it is a criminal tool and instrument mightier than the gun and infectious diseases.

It is the European tool par excellence of domination and conquest.

The Europeans have been using it for centuries for their war of conquest or espace vitale, to invade the new world, to seize the "Indians of the new world" or new world resident land, massacred them and take forcible possession of their lands.

They used it to get access to the African slaves and to justify slavery in the new world for over three centuries in the new world.

They used it to justify apartheid in South Africa; they used it to justify segregation in the United States in States like Alabama, Mississippi, etc and to hang black people; they are using it to massacred the Palestinians today; now they are using it to seize the African continent starting now in Egypt, Libya until they will reach South Africa;
They are using it now to promote homosexuality on a global scale as a means to reduce world population; now they are promoting homosexuality in every sphere of life and social strata from kindergarten to post-Doctoral Degree; from daycare to nursing Homes.

Now they are not afraid of posting their rainbow flags in many nuances on those institutions.

Getting ahead at your school, job, moving to a better neighborhood is no longer a function of your personal merits intrinsic value and worth but it is a factor of who you are using cocaine with and who you "blow" or who "blow" you in this homosexual oriented society.

This Bible has been used in Latin America by the Anglo Saxon to in the 60's,70's,80's and 90's to massacred hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans in the name of Democracy and the Bible against communism.

Now it is no longer communist because communism is apparently out of fashion.

They called the new war now Christian values against Moslem values but the same carnage is going on; the same people are orchestrating genocides, war of conquest to seize other people land and resources.

Those that are promoting polarization between Voodooist and Christian in the Haitian community are well programed and paid by the CIA to eradicate the Haitian value and to promote American values that are shallow, empty, devoid of humanism.

They are promoting and encouraging ruthless exploitation, individualism, egoism, consumerism, cocaine uses and an obsession with homosexuality.

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