
Willer Fils-aime - May 28 2011, 6:47 AM

Good morning Mr President.

My name is Willer Fils-Aime residing in Miami Fla currently owned 30 hectares of land in the north east of Haiti precisely in ferrier.For the past 3 years ihave been working on an agricultural project called the golden chicken, something that can stimulate the economy of Haiti.How can you help by making this dream come true. My email address is willer5 at you can also go to, my phone number is (305)336-9429.Thank you in advance

Willer Fils-Aime

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Susana Bono says...

Hello I am glad that I found you. My plans are to go to Haiti. I just found your cassette. Please get back to me 212-935-0333\ How is you painting and singing? more »