what the rdnp party must do next

Agent X - June 12 2011, 11:54 PM

Mirlande Manigat -leader of RDNP
All RDNPists and supporters of Mirlande Manigat, do not say I am not being fair for having given tips to Martelly on how to beat your leader in the next election and not given you anything.

This time is yours to be served.

This piece is going to give you tips on what to do next going forward.

Let me begin by saying this: if after more than 25 years in the existence of RDNP Mirlande Manigat is the best you guys have to offer, something is not going right inside the party.

After this election, the party itself needs to do a soul-searching exercise to fix what needs to be fixed and change the entire Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

I think Patrice Dumont, had he represented the party in the election, assuming he has a clean record, could have made a better showing than Manigat.

Generation wise, he and Martelly fit in the same bracket.


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