We need to put the haitian arts as the number one

Ancient Bon - June 16 2011, 5:01 AM

We need to put the Haitian arts as second to none in the Caribbean.That does not require a premier minister.

Haitian musicians should be taxed by the haitian governement so they will be entitled for pension and that willsave them from the fate of Gerard Dupervil, Webert Sicot, Nemours Jean Baptiste, Rodolph Legros, Lumane Cazimir etc
We need al the rhytmes including Cadence Rampa, Compas, Ibo,Yanvalu, Petro, Arada,Mambo, etc..Jazz des Jeunes has so many rythmes, Dodof Legros, Aux Calbasse, El sahei, Ensemble radio Commerce, El rancho, Edner Guignard, Pierre Blain, Ti Paris, Raoul Guillaume, Guy Durosier, Pierre Riche, Nono Lami, Shleu Shleu, Ambassadors, Orchestre La Gaitee by Alfred Dorlette, Orchestre Septentrional, Meridional, Les Loup noires, Choeur Simidore, Lumane Cazimir, Anilus Cadet, Trio select even Sweet Micky the Degenerate etc

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