Blacks The Lowest of all Races

Agent X - July 3 2011, 12:37 PM

We know how Blacks end up becoming homosexuals with their chromosomes' manipulation by white scientists.

We know how we get those genetic diseases after our children got born. We are taking notes, but we are not ignorant at all. Lowering the black race with chronic diseases and chromosomes' manipulation were the goal of white scientists and they have achieved their goal by all means.

Are they happy?

No, they are ignorant scientists that deserve to die by all means.

We may be the lowest among all races but our spirit is alive and the fight will always stay on ok.

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Agent-x says...

baboon Jean Pierre Alexander I urge you to stop posting vicious articles and sign them as agent-X. The article below reflect your dopey,demented and syphilis brain "We know how Blacks end up becoming homosexuals with their chromosomes' manipulat more »

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Agent-x,are you a faggot? I don't like fag,why you always accusing me? Try to forget my name,please. I am not the only man in this blog to love and have a crush on me. Don't push me to call you Pee'wee Herman. more »