Bernard Rodriguez"Agent-x",stop your blasphemy Aristide as...
Jean Pierre Alexandre
- July 26 2011, 10:14 AM
Bernard Rodriguez"Agent-x",stop your blasphemy Aristide as a(Messiah).
Aristide is pure S H I T inside of a Cite-Simone latrine.
Agent-x, your wife is Mexican?
i see you like to use Spanish names alot.
If you don't believe me aristide is pure S H I T, Put him in the front of me.
Maybe you don't know what is the Messiah.
C O C K S U C K E R your nose full of brown stuff on it.
Our Messiah does miracle in every land he went
Thanks to Aristide A 50-year-old South African man woke up inside a mortuary over the weekend and screamed to be let...