Hi Sir, You confuse many readers in this topic about Aristide...
Hi Sir,
You confuse many readers in this topic about Aristide.
You wanted to make it clear, but there is a reasonable doubt in the background of your speech.
A man is man. You are always on the subject matter.
You described Aristide as Osvald Durand would do or like people in the sixteen century that had to use parabol to speak for fear of being killed by the monarch.
I am still at work doing my job. I will never give up this is my word to my Haitian People whom I love. L'avenir dira le reste.
Qui vivera, verra.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine
Response to:
Jeanette Metayer,please don't say that again,we love...
Who is Stanley Lucas? Those who don't know what this traitor stand for start doing research about him. He is the most...