Dishonest anti-Haitian, stop your empty threats. Go back to...
Dishonest anti-Haitian, stop your empty threats.
Go back to your cage or you will be there soon.
Aristide is known around the world as a scholar, humanist and a pacifist.
The Duvalierists are trying very hard to have a partner in crime so they keep fabricating crime stories about Aristide that turns out to be invariably bogus.
The Duvalierists and their followers are known around the planet as psychopaths, Liars, thieves, gangsters, corrupt, assassins, serial killers, enemy # 1 of free speech, free press and human rights.
Do not try to push your luck because the Duvalier dossier should be brought to the carpet.
Justice should be done for the 100,000 Haitians the Duvalier regime cowardly massacred.
You could try to revise history all you want but people everywhere on this planet have the records of the Duvalier regime atrocities.
They have a long history of killing babies refers to this partial list of executions by the Duvalierists:
August 1964 the massacre of V
Response to:
It is an urgent call to arrest Aristide and his...
arrestation d'aristide et de son ami preval
se arete aristid ak preval pou yon vinn di pep la kote yo jwen ak lajan yo genyen an.paske pa gen okenn travay ki...