Tiba, Woohoo, Persistence with patience Driven through wisdom...

Montresor 2011 - November 17 2011, 10:01 PM


Woohoo, Persistence with patience Driven through wisdom will pay off when you believe, all good things are possible! Be encouraged, politics!

You now got it "After all, the government is the #1 beggar in Haiti."

You now got it "He's been only talking since he became president and made not one act. A president governs through actions and not by blowing hot air."

Tiba he President got a Prime Minister in place, you can't tell us his not doing anything.Tell us about that


I Just Returned from Haiti 2 Weeks ago and Things.....

"Je we bouch pe!" I just got back from Haiti Thomas 2 weeks ago from a 2-week vacation and there is no word to...

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