Donner a Cesare ce qui est a Cesar

Dorvil Jean - December 15 2011, 11:47 PM

President Martelly, I want Haiti become a new country, many people thanks you can not do that, but keep going on this with Laurant Lamothe and the will see what kid the change than you talking about.

sofar you did a good job for the haitian people.But the main thing is security

Je voudrais avoir une reponse sou peu

Que Dieu vous benisse

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Joseph Unelus says...

Cesare had nothing, therefore, nobody owes Cesare. Cesare was exploiting other people. He was a pirates of Carribbeans, in exil in Haiti, He did a lot of wrongdoings in his country of origin, they have to deport him some place else, and there was more »