The secret societies of criminal murderers have helped the...

Isaac Reuben - December 18 2011, 4:49 PM

The secret societies of criminal murderers have helped the Haitian elites a lot so they will never eradicate those criminals in Haiti.

I tend to believe based on your assertions that Haitian elites are champwels hein, but listen this is not Voodoo.

We can make any progress when seeing the elites associating themselves with those criminals.

It is the time to say that enough is enough and we must change Haiti's face. Should we imitate those Hutus from Rwanda to purge Haiti from those criminals who are anti change in our society.

Haiti will never change and the zombies will always run the street of Haiti.

Mario Delatour can tell you what zombies mean to the Haitian elites and those bocors in Haiti.

Fok sa change paske tout moun se moun tande...


Haitian Elites Are Haitian Secret Societies' Members...

As Jeune points it out, all Haitian elites are Voodoo members and they belong to the Haitian secret societies such as...

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