Nicolas Duvalier II Calls On His Father's Super Ministers To Return Home
Nicolas wants his father's super ministers such as Chanoine, Achilles and Merceron who were his mother's boyfriends to return in Haiti to manage his father's political party aiming to promote him to power.
Michelle Bennett will be back on January 12, 2012 under the protection of Thierry Mayard Paul. Benett's father will be back and I heard that they are all asked to put aside their political differences to promote Francois Nicolas Duvalier II into power.
Should Nicolas succeed Martelly and why?
They will be killed on the Revolution Street in Port-Au-Prince like Roger Lafontant. We don't want those people anymore and we will not return them to power. Haitians are vomisman chiens and they cannot come back ok. Bear with me, they will be kille more »
Lambert,what revolution you are talking about? Just a few roaches cannot take the streets to accomplish this task. The worst already happen behind close doors. Al bwe ti dlo fret't tande neg,wou an'reta.Kote wou te ye? more »
You are sick of a return of the Duvalier's regime, but this will not occur again. The experience that Nicolas Duvalier II is taking will be good for him to serve in other positions and not within the presidency post, but I am telling that will not h more »
We must always have to watch for a no return of The Duvaliers, Aristides, Prevals, and the Lavalas in Haiti if we dont want no more crimes and the killings of Innocent peoples in Haiti. Please please don't do that to Haiti and the People. I love Hai more »
They can help in other areas such as education, agriculture and health care, but for the presidency there should be no return for those former regimes. Their times are over and they should give Haiti a chance to breathe. Let the singers shape Haiti. more »
Monche, manti, sak te pase avan an sou Duvalier ya pap janm rive anko, pa sou te dayiti anko. Paske Haitian vi'n eklere kounyeya, nou komanse we kle, e nou komanse aprann pou vi'n sivilize. more »
You do realize that Ernest Bennett died years ago...........if you're gonna post a story at least post some supporting evidence i.e. Associated Press, Reuters, Haiti en Marche............just saying. more »