I support your idea, Haiti needs a Stadium in every...

Yvrance Unelus - January 17 2012, 6:49 PM

I support your idea, Haiti needs a Stadium in every department, North, South, West, East. Artibonite, not only in Port au Prince, Now, more than ever, the sports are a lucrative business in the World.

Haiti must participate in all types of sports, Tennis, soccer, football, basketball, voleyball, swimming, marathon, dancing. etc. Everybody is interested in some kind of bodybuilding to prevent heart attack and obesity.

All students must be enrolled in some kind of sports.

Sports must be integrated in their curriculum.

Haiti must participate in World Olympic every four years.

Athletes from all over the world will come to play in Haiti.

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Haiti gin yon sel estad pou Football. Alors kouman...


Une coupe du monde de foot-ball en HAITI

Son excellence,Monsieur le President de la Republique d'HAITI :JOSEPH MICHEL MARTELLY,je vous felicite...

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Pouki nou tout Ayisyen pa met ansam fer yon petition...

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