Because of lack of new parts those Cuban Mechanics can be very...

Kamoken Scandinavia - March 17 2012, 9:59 PM

Because of lack of new parts those Cuban Mechanics can be very ingenious
but are they actualized...up to date?

What kind of Buses we have in Haiti now?

Cuba is the only Country in the Planet that still rides on Al Capone and Sam Giancana cars but if they can pass the very basic of mechanic to our youngsters...I would give them a chance
Naturlich, it is kind of troubling not to hire some stupendous Haitian Mechanics we have somewhere in Haiti or in America.

We do need not only Elite school in Haiti but also lower polytechnic or vocational schools as it is in Germany or in Denmark by we won't have those "Philosophes malgre eux" but sound and productive Citizens


Haiti Is Importing 34 Cuban Mechanics?

Haiti, Cuba sign deal to bring Cuban technicians to repair government buses and trucks Foreign Minister Laurent...

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