White bioscientists make blacks the lowest race everywhere in...

Toulimen Legrand - July 31 2012, 11:50 AM

White bioscientists make blacks the lowest race everywhere in the by using them as Guinea Pigs for diseases experimentations starting with African Americans to South Africa with HIV/AIDS, Ebola and FLED viruses to name a few. Whites use biracial blacks everywhere to command blacks everywhere in the world.

Blacks have to submit and surrender themselves to both commanders to find a little piece in everything.

Biracial black commanders and white commanders are in charge everywhere so blacks can be nothing else than subjects.

Both of them know how to divide to conquer the hearts and minds of blacks.

They own blacks because they own their chromosomes and DNA. With vaccines they have their fingerprints on blacks.

Therefore blacks can be nothing else than subjects ok.


Black people

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