The Haitian people should get involved in healthcare. Haiti...
The Haitian people should get involved in healthcare.
Haiti needs one School of Medecine, Pharmacy, Dentistry in the South, the North, not only in Port au Prince.
Haiti needs three schools of Nursing.
Laboratory, Dietitian in the South, the North, the West and the East of Haiti.
Haiti needs a Center for Disease Control in every department to prevent cholera, Ebola, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Aids, etc. Haiti should make Sanitation the first step in the prevention of diseases in Haiti.
Everybody in Haiti should get involved in the Keep Haiti Clean coalition to prevent disease in Haiti.
It is everybody business to keep Haiti clean.
Vers une optimisation des ressources pour l'élimination du choléra en Haïti
Vers une optimisation des ressources pour l'élimination du choléra en Haïti · Le Chef de l'Etat réclame la mise...