PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe nan DGI pou fè declaration definitive d'impots li

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So far, 6 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about PHOTO: Haiti PM Laurent Lamothe nan DGI pou fè declaration definitive d'impots li
It's very good to visited the history of yo hero national more »
Bonjou, sa tap bon wi,men li moun fe menmjan an kisa kap vin jwenn yo an retou?Peyi USA kreye tout bagay le moun yo deklare definitiv enpo yo,gen anpil moun ki jwenn lajan chak ane, eske Gouvenman Ayisyen kreye bagay sa yo more »
Haiti needs a minimum wage for the Haitian workers. Some people make less than $2 a day. Those people cannot afford to pay taxes. Haiti needs a minimum of at least $2 an hour so workers pay taxes. The Department of Taxation and Finances should ge more »
Construire un Etat de Droit qui donne de bons services d'Education, de Sante et de Justice a tous ses citoyens exige une fiscalite juste et progressive. Ceux qui gagnent de gros revenus doivent etre de vrais patriotes (pas des patripoches) et paye more »
I agree with you. Haiti needs a minimum wage for his workers so they can pay taxes. This year the Department of Taxation and Finances in Haiti should get together with CPAs, Economists, all Public Administrators in charge and the Labor Department t more »
Taxes must be paid, first, by wealthy citizens. If not, taxes will be perceived as unfair and excessive by People. The first goal of a minimum wage for workers is not to collect taxes but to fight against poverty and increase consumption of goods an more »