A Message For President Michel Martelly
Dear President Martelly,
1)Prays to the thru God first in the first day of your presidency ask him for wisdom.
Contribute to Shalom tabernacle, the new construction soon to start, even if it's a bag of cement or claim your corner stone in that church.
( last month when you went there you change alot of hearts).
2)We need to have taxes, fees breaks in the Haitians ports for heavy equipments, started from 2 axles and up dump trucks, Loaders,Motor graders, Dozers ect....
3)Start farming Haiti SAP.
4)We need an Army, Navy,Air force, Bad ass marines, borders guards, Police,Coast guards, and independent secret service agency.
(Women and men can serve their country proudly)Please don't forget the women in everything.
5)The brains of Haiti is in the diapora, Europe,Americas, Africa.You will need to extract the talents at any mean even if it's with the retires at first.
I will support Haiti to the end.
I will be the first one to cry no justice, no peace if you are not the president for all Haitians.
Haitians need to enjoy their life like every humans in this planet, cause even in our own country we feels like strangers.
Remember Haitians are tired of false promesses.
Shalom my President.
I, Jean Pierre Alexandre salut you in military style.