Haiti : President Michel Martelly Archives
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This is the archive of
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May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 2016
Feb 7, 2016
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- Pamela White Ambassadeur Americain en Haiti - Construction barrage Riviere Grise
- Inauguration Hopital OFATMA des Cayes Haiti
- President Martelly Two-Year Anniversary Celebration
- Haitian Diaspora Crowd in Spring Valley NY listens to President Michel Martelly at St Joseph School
- President Martelly nan Inauguration Pont Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti
- President Martelly arrive au Panama
- Haiti Sophia Martelly - rencontre de sensibilisation sur le chikunguya a Delmas
- President Martelly - Inauguration Hopital ARY Bordes Beudet Haiti
- President Michel Martelly visit le Centre D’Etude Secondaire
- Hopital OFATMA de Cayes Haiti
- President Martelly - Panama - Investiture President Juan Carlos Varela
- Presidents Michel Martelly and Raoul Castro shaking hands
- President Martelly visit Haiti Toussaint Louverture Airport
- Haiti - President Martelly Rencontre les Partis Politiques Signataire de l'accord El Rancho
- PHOTO: Haiti - Kenneth Cole and President Michel Martelly
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly - Inauguration Kiosque Occide Jeanty
- President Martelly - ceremonie remise de diplomes College Interamericain de Defense (CID)
- Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs
- PHOTO: Haiti - Paket moun reyini sou Chandmas pou 1er Mai, fet Agrikilti
- PHOTO: Visit President Francois Hollande en Haiti
- Video : Arrivee Du President Michel Martelly A Rome En Italie
- VIDEO: Haiti - Premye Minis Laurent Lamothe te nan Ile à Vache pou pale sou pwojè yo ki ap fèt nan zile a
- VIDEO: Entèvyou Lavwadlamerik Ak Prezidan Haiti Michel Martelly
- VIDEO: Rencontre President Michel Martelly Et President Francois Hollande
- Video : Rencontre du President Michel Joseph Martelly avec la Commission des Affaires etrangeres de la chambre des Representants.