Tank - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Tank
(Page 1 of 6)
To the god given president martelly
February 6, 2012 2:37 PM
Hey brian andrew you the one that need what you post on this blog when you say that all they need to do is putting an embargo on haiti and soon haiti will become a graveyard thats heartless why an embargo we not in war with any country we are... more »
Mister president michel martelly
February 2, 2012 11:13 AM
Hey brian andrew we dont fight war that we know we not gonna win we not stupid we don't take a knife and fight somebody with a gun because in war situation there is no luck either you win or lose speaking of the french we lost a lot of war against... more »
President mister joseph martelly
February 2, 2012 12:08 AM
As i sit home now watching a documentary about the black freedom movement and the burial of segregation what happen in haiti is no different than what was happened to african at that time we been fifhting with arm already now in this modern era we... more »
To the god chosen haitian president
February 1, 2012 1:19 AM
Bagay la trer simple se redouble squatine redouble simo mete yon nouvo force de securite damble epi depi se vagabonds ki soti pou etabli la troublay nan peyi a ou pa. Besouin ki tit ki vini anvan non moune nan se etabli yon persona non grata zero... more »
To the best. Haitian president
January 30, 2012 1:44 PM
Si zafer prezidan martelly ap mache ban deyer li gin avel dis ti piti tankou non paka kraze peyi dayiti ler bondieu ap fer travay li kitel fer travay li plis yo vini a dossier pou mete martelly ater se plis presidan an ap pran poua se plis je pep... more »
to the best haitian president of all time
January 30, 2012 11:30 AM
Ki sa sa fer li met martelly te fet nan yon lot peyi depi li ka pote chanjman depi dat haitien natif natal ap president sa yo janm fer sou aristide ti moune 13 an konn ginyin zame sa pat viole konstitition an pep haitien ouvert je non nou pa... more »
To my best president michel martelly
January 30, 2012 10:38 AM
Depi ki ler politicien haitien te konn aplike loua konstititon konsa se sak fer konstitition an chanje minm trois foi si pep haitien an se yon pep ki intelligent for yo ouer ki moune kap goumin pou change kondision vi yo haiti pa ka change nan yon... more »
Mister president michel martelly
January 26, 2012 3:11 AM
Tout moune persecute jeanclaude yo al chache travay pou non fer moune sa yo mouri paske yo te kominis yo te bezouin rantre peyi nan kominis more »
Michel joseph martelly the best president after du
January 26, 2012 2:53 AM
Martelly the best president after duvalier hey tout moune sa yo kap persecute jean claude yo al kouche fanmi non yo tap bat kor yo ler ou pa bezouin tigre avek lion manger ou pa al nan foret ou pa vle rekin manje ou pa al nan lanmer papam pat apiye... more »
To honorable president michel martelly
January 26, 2012 2:27 AM
Jean magog lavalasyen al bingnin ti bout tan cedras te fer a avec tout ambago aristide la peyi a te pi bon vin tan lavalas sou pouvoua sa nou remet anvan1990 payizan latibonit te konn jouin dlo agogo pou fer diri machine plin diri ki soti latibonit... more »
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