Toulimen Legrand - Haiti - President Michel Martelly Archives
Topic and comments posted by Toulimen Legrand
(Page 12 of 26)
I believe that Haiti is overdue to a bloody revolution, but...
February 19, 2012 11:31 PM
I believe that Haiti is overdue to a bloody revolution, but there is an international community that keeps supporting this oligarchy and as such we are all doomed to failure. Only a Castro or one among them could lead the revolution and transform... more »
Francois Duvalier's Haitian Nationalism To Win The Presidential Race
February 19, 2012 12:18 PM
Duvalier Francois had in his mind all Haitian interests and the national interest of Haiti. He fought inflation by creating state grocery stores to bring down costs in Haiti. Haitians could buy foods at cheaper prices and good foods not non... more »
Nou ka anpeche li fet si nou pran aksyon pou kwape li. Men si...
February 18, 2012 4:05 PM
Nou ka anpeche li fet si nou pran aksyon pou kwape li. Men si nou ap rete domi lap fet e lap refet anko. Kiss dapre Ou menm Nicolas Duvalier II ap fe kom konseye nan kabine prive prezidan Michel Martelly. Li pa la pou ramase lajan men li la pou... more »
C'est le mulatre Dr. Louis Eugene Roy, un Jean-Claudiste...
February 18, 2012 10:05 AM
C'est le mulatre Dr. Louis Eugene Roy, un Jean-Claudiste notoire et l'oncle de Veronique Roy, la presente concubine de Jean-Claude Duvalier et la belle mere de Nicolas Duvalier II, aspirant candidat presidentiel, qui a accouche cette monstrueuse... more »
Time To Liberate Duvalier's Sold Out Slaves To Dominican Republic
February 17, 2012 11:51 PM
The braceros program started with the five super ministers of Duvalier Jean-Claude and never ended since. Haitians in those heavily guarded basteys there are called Haitian slaves. It is time to liberate them after thirty years of Dominican... more »
I do love Francois Duvalier and as a physicist and...
February 17, 2012 11:39 PM
I do love Francois Duvalier and as a physicist and ethno-sociologist he understood Haitian core problems. He was one of the greatest president that Haiti had ever known. Under Duvalier Francois, Haitians were respected all over the world and... more »
We are divided by race, color, education, religion, languages...
February 16, 2012 5:51 PM
We are divided by race, color, education, religion, languages and cultural values. We have two Haitis. The Haiti in the shanty towns of Port-Au-Pce depicted and portrayed by the elites to show the evilness of the black masses and another shiny... more »
Francois Duvalier although labeled dicatator by the Western...
February 16, 2012 5:41 PM
Francois Duvalier although labeled dicatator by the Western world and the mulattos of Haiti was a very good president and he really wanted to change the country for the Haitian masses. Children from the black Haitian masses became educated with... more »
It's The Time To liberate Duvalier's Sold Out Slaves in the Dominican Repub
February 15, 2012 11:51 PM
Duvalier and his five super ministers sold those black Haitian slaves to Dominican Sugar Plantation Owners in 1976. Some were kidnapped, mistreated and sold to Dominican Republic through the braceros program sponsored by the United States of... more »
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