President Martelly nan vil Aquin pou Lansman kanpay rebwazman
Gade photo saa... President Michel Martelly te nan vil Aquin pou Lansman kanpay rebwazman ak inogirasyon ofisyèl sant Entèpretasyon lananti nan sid peyi a jounen Jedi 5 Jen 2014 la...
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This is the archive of
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May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 2016
Feb 7, 2016
- President Martelly Three-Year Anniversary Celebration
- President Martelly visit Haiti Toussaint Louverture Airport
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly ap Vote nan Elections
- President Martelly - ceremonie remise de diplomes College Interamericain de Defense (CID)
- Sophia Martelly - Hopital Bernard Mevs
- PHOTO: Haiti - President Martelly depose Fleurs Vertières - 18 Novembre 2014
- PHOTO: Haiti - Lancement Programme Klinik Mobil nan Lekòl yo
- President Martelly - Ceremonie 18 Mai 2014, Arcahaie Haiti - 211e anniversaire du Drapeau
- PHOTO: Digicel CEO Denis O'Brien at Marriott Port-au-Prince Hotel Inauguration
- President Martelly - Ceremonie 18 Mai 2014, Arcahaie Haiti - 211e anniversaire du Drapeau
- Haiti-Dominican Dialogues Continues
- President Martelly - Celebration 2 years of Ti Manman Cheri - Henfrasa
- Inauguration Lycee Jean-Baptiste Pointe du Sable - St-Marc Haiti
- Vue de l ' Ecole Nationle Maranatha de Golas
- Intervention du Directeur De partemental de l_Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle, M. Charles Since re
- Haiti President Martelly addressing Haitian Diaspora in Spring Valley NY
- PHOTO: Haiti - Klinik Mobil pou Elev Lekol yo
- PHOTO: Stuart Smith - Representant Ambassade Americaine en Haiti
- PHOTO: Haiti - Lancement Programme Klinik Mobil nan Lekòl yo
- President Michel Martelly visit le Centre D’Etude Secondaire
- VIDEO: President Michel Martelly at the Inauguration hos Hospital OFATMA, Aux Cayes Haiti
- VIDEO: Haiti - Les Réalisations l'Administration Martelly 2011 - 2016, Gade Yo...
- VIDEO: Entèvyou Lavwadlamerik Ak Prezidan Haiti Michel Martelly
- VIDEO: Haiti - President Michel Martelly Interview nan Chokarella
- Video : Rencontre du President Michel Joseph Martelly avec la Commission des Affaires etrangeres de la chambre des Representants.