Haitian Thirst for Power is Based on Three Objectives!!

Tiba - June 21 2011, 3:05 PM

Haitian's thirst for power is based on three goals and objectives 1) To steal as much money as they can in a very short time in order to buy a few villas in Florida and in Spain using every mean necessary, 2) to engage in all kind of sexual activities with every young girls and women in Haiti and get away with it, and 3) to continue humiliating Haitians every they find them and in every way they can.

These are the Three(3) fundamental objectives of all Haitians with the thirst for power in Haiti and nothing else.

Anyone who takes a closer look at these moronic brainless bastards in the government, would realize that these retard bastards know nothing about government let alone governance.

They really don't know the first thing about government, its right to be and its functions, its philosophy, values, and principles.

Those in the parliament, for example, believe deeply that their function as elected memebrs is to oppose with teeth and nails every thing, every project, every nomination, and every program the president put forth for the country.

A country like Haiti with nothing in it cannot sustain going through this type of governance.

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