Yeah Jean-Pierre, Hinche could be the safest and secure place...

Toulimen Legrand - July 10 2011, 7:03 PM

Yeah Jean-Pierre, Hinche could be the safest and secure place to relocate the capital if they want and I totally agree with this choice too. Listen, Petionville should be renovated before it became the new capital of Haiti.

It is a strong connection point on the map and 10 different highways could be connected to it if our moribond elites were looking for modernity.

All they are doing is this: Prevent the educated expatriated Haitians to be elected in electoral positions in Haiti because they do not want change for our fellow Haitian brothers and sisters in Haiti.

Believe me, we will bring the revolution in Haiti and there will be no rooms for them to escape.

We are not far to such a drastic change and time will tell. They want to come back with the old army to block those changes, but that will not be possible.

If our elites cannot change, Haiti does not deserve those most repugnant elites.

We will take them by surprise one day and the whole world will be with us ok. Take care brother! Shalom to all!

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Rachelle,Toulimen; Best three places for the new...


Petionville Should Be The New Capital of Haiti

This is a well located town and it cannot be anymore the town of the wealthiest ones in Haiti. Martelly should...

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