Why mounting an anti-campaign against a Haitian Jurist...

Toulimen Legrand - July 11 2011, 3:01 PM

Why mounting an anti-campaign against a Haitian Jurist professional as known as Mr. Bernard Gousse?

You said that he is an assassin.

Ok, explain to me how he is an assassin.

How many people do you know that he killed in Haiti based on your personal info about him?

Please submit relevant facts and detail them so people could know why you are accusing him as an assassin.

Is he qualified to be the new Haitian Prime minister?

What do you know about him without repeating the jargon of those who don't want him on board.

If you cannot give proof, I would say that your accusations are worthless and you cannot be considered as a credible Haitian on this blog.

I know some Goose family members, and I believe they come from the Southern part of Haiti if I have good memory.

To me, they are descent people for coming from a good educated family.

I don't know Bernard Gousse personally, but I find it bizarre to accuse a person as an assassin without giving any relevant facts or tangible information about him. As I said earlier, information without relevant facts are garbages.

You must provide detail facts to back up your vague idea about Bernard Gousse.

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Those linnks will give additional information on the...


Les Dossieres de Bernard Honorat Gousse

Il y a un large consensus international que Bernard Deshonorable Gousse est un tyran qui appartient

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