Tiba, my dearest blogger, you should care because of their...

Toulimen - July 13 2011, 2:48 PM

Tiba, my dearest blogger, you should care because of their strength to keep 90% of Haitians in dire poverty as supported by the Republican Elites of the U.S. as well as the G-8 countries.

Food and money transfers' boycott could be a good option, but Haitians are so manipulated and brainwashed by Radio Panou, Vision 2000 and other Haitian radio stations as financed by the oligarch of Haiti, they would not boycott them. The Haitian Diaspora Community is being controled and financed by the seven richest families in Haiti, they cannot do much. The whole Haitian press is controled by those elites so are churches and voodoo priests in Haiti.

Therefore, they represent an important force that you can deny my friend.

Haitians are not weak but the imperialistic elites through those NGOs make them weak, but if we can organize them you will see how much they can do. An unorganized diaspora is the will of the seven richest families of Haiti.

Those Haitian settlers know how to manipulate, finance and control all Haitian political and economic groups in Haiti.

I don't believe that they need us more than we need them. They have well paid businesses all throughout the Caribbean region than in Haiti, but Haiti is their self-contained colony.

As such, we need to foster a national dialog between all if we want to solve on our own all Haiti's problems.

I believe that we need each other and there cannot be superiority of a group over another group if we are all humanist Haitians.

To do so, Martelly should issue an executive order i.e decret-loi to shut down the current Haitian parliament and call for new elections within the next 30 days of the creation of his executive order.

He should ban all current disorganized political parties to create three new political parties financed by Haitian taxpayers to end the political pluralism mess in Haiti.

By doing so, all Haitian paliamentary members will come from these three organized political parties and from there we can start solving all Haitians' problems.

Tiba, Martelly as a former orchestra chef should act as an excellent Micro and Macro-Manager to solve all Haiti's problems.

I don't see the change yet and I see the same status quo will stay intact during his presidential term. It is sad hein and I agree with you that Haiti is not a good place to go live there while giving up to U.S. well paying jobs. Se vre men lakay se lakay nap retounen kanmenm.

Kenbe la and thousand of respects to you!

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