Big monies are circulating around the parliament to buy vote...
Big monies are circulating around the parliament to buy vote for Gousse nomination
It is rumors that Martelly Government is using the so called current delay for Gousse to find all his documents.
This is a ruse to distribute money in the parliament to buy the necessary vote to allow butcher Gousse to continue to do crime now in bigger scale and amplitude.
Now they talking about at least they will get 50/50 of the vote.
We are asking Gousse not to accept the position for his own good.
There is a scandal about the vicious Juge Jean Michel Christophe and Mr. Yval Tidor about the journalists and the radio station in Petit Goave that reflects the Gousse's methods.
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I am just visiting this Pro-Duvalierist Spy Website...
From 1673 to 2010, Haiti were hit by 8 major earthquakes from 7.1 to 8.1 on the Richter scale. Here are the following...