We will not rest until justice gets served in Haiti. As Manno...
We will not rest until justice gets served in Haiti.
As Manno Charlemagne points it out last week, the private cabinet of Michel Martelly is filled with Duvalierist and drug dealers who are aimed to bring back the former regime as well as protecting the illegal drug market in Haiti.
We must denounce that and save the state of Haiti.
The Haitian Bourgeoisie used the peasants and the urban poor Haitians to put Martelly into power, but I don't believe that they have done it to restore the former regime of Duvalier and if that is the case Martelly will be forced to live soon. We support the Martelly's government, but we do not support anarchism and banditism.
The former leaders of Haiti whether they may be Aristide, Duvalier, Preval and others to name a few should know that their time was over and Haiti should not perish.
We will fight them to death if they want to return to power.
No more chaos in Haiti.
We have voted for change and Martelly should change Haiti by cleaning up first his political cabinet that has a hidden agenda for chaos.
Manno Charlemagne has stated that there is little click within the Martelly's cabinet starting with Francois Nicolas Duvalier II and others who are aimed to bring Haiti to chaos, and again Martelly should get rid of them. We will not rest until justice gets served ok.
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Toulimen,when i read lines like that,its make me...
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