Links between between earthquake and hydraulic fracking

Agent-x - December 18 2011, 3:41 PM

Since the devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 12th, 2010 that killed more than 300,000 people, it appears that earthquakes are growing in frequency and severity throughout the world.

Speculations regarding the probable causes of the earthquakes are ranging from Act of God, inadvertent consequences of man-made activities to malicious action by superpowers such as HAARP.

To complicate further this enigma, now we have another speculation called hydraulic fracking that generate more questions than answers.

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Douvino says...

No, no That is not case at all. You need to dig a little deeper into this and you will find the reality. The Earthquake in Haiti was not an act of God, not at all. I am a man of the Almighty, a Teacher, preacher, Church musician, Choir Director and more »