Dear fellow countryman. I accept your explaination and I think...

Mitch - December 20 2011, 6:27 PM

Dear fellow countryman.

I accept your explaination and I think you agree with me that the statement was horrendous.

History must come to the level of science but when one refers to recent events with neglect and recklesness it must pointed out. You ought to be interested in past governments that is one way to avoid getting the into the same abyss.

the worst thing is the reivention of history.

had we had a good understand of our past we could have avoided the disasters that we have been inflicted upon over the last 2 decades.

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Someone used my posting name to mislead you ok. I...


Duvalier caused agriculture disaster, insecurity & slums in Haiti

♦From 1959 to year 2011 Haitian agriculture deteriorated progressively because Duvalier

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Mitch, I would agree with you 100% here with knowing...

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