Michel Martelly Presidential Archives

Browse through the Presidential photo archives of ex-Haiti President Michel Martelly. See all the pictures taken when Michel Martelly was in president of the Republic of Haiti.

Haiti President Michel Martelly in Taiwan

Haiti President Michel Martelly in Taiwan

Look at this photo... Haiti President Michel Martelly in Taiwan

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President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors

President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors

Look at this photo... President Martelly in Taiwan - Meeting with the Investors

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President Michel Martelly, Immortel Dany Laferriere - Reception Officielle, Palais National

President Michel Martelly, Immortel Dany Laferriere - Reception Officielle, Palais National

Gade photo saa... President Michel Martelly, Immortel Dany Laferriere - Reception Officielle Palais National Haiti

President Michel Martelly, a reçu au Palais National l'écrivain, l'Immortel Haïtien Dany Laferrière, membre de l'Académie Française depuis 2013 mercredi 16 Avril 2014.

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Nouveau Pont, Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti

Nouveau Pont, Riviere Courjolle - Arcahaie Haiti

President Michel Martelly, accompagné du Secrétaire d'Etat aux Travaux publics, Transports et Communications, M. Philippe Cinéas, a inauguré, Jeudi 17 Avril 2014, un pont de franchissement dans la commune de l'Arcahaie (Ouest), sur la rivière Courjolle, en vue de faciliter la libre circulation sur la Nationale No.1.

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Prezidan Martelly ki ap Sekle avek abitan yo

Prezidan Martelly ki ap Sekle avek abitan yo

Gade foto saa... President Michel Martelly ak wou li nam men li ap sekle avek de twa abitan...

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Presidents Michel Martelly and Barack Obama Shaking Hands

Presidents Michel Martelly and Barack Obama Shaking Hands

Here is a photo Haiti President Michel Martelly and U.S. President Barack Obama Shaking hands with both First Ladies, Sophia Martelly and Michelle Obama in the picture...

This handshake took place in South Africa; both president Obama and Martelly attended the Mandela memorial

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President Martelly and President Obama in washington

President Martelly and President Obama in washington

Gade foto sa a ...premye rancont President Martelly ak President Obama

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Haiti - President Martelly ap danse anba tant ak yon plat manje nan men li... LOL...

Haiti - President Martelly ap danse anba tant ak yon plat manje nan men li... LOL...

Gade foto saa... Men President Martelly laa kap danse ak yon plat diri nan men li, de medam ki ap separe yo rantre nan groove la.

Ta sanble se anba yon tant.

Photo: Facebook

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Obsèques de Mandela: Depart du President Martelly et la Delegation Haitienne

Obsèques de Mandela: Depart du President Martelly et la Delegation Haitienne

Départ du Président Michel Martelly, accompagné entre autres de la Première Dame, Mme Sophia Martelly, du Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, M. Pierre Richard Casimir, et du Sénateur de la Grand'Anse, M. Andris Riché, pour l'Afrique du Sud, en vue d' assister aux obsèques officielles du symbole de la lutte anti-apartheid, Nelson Mandela.

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Palais de la Cour de Cassation

Palais de la Cour de Cassation

Photo: Palais de la Cour de Cassation

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