Don't try to project yourself on us. You, your mother, father...

Agent-x - July 6 2011, 3:39 PM

Don't try to project yourself on us. You, your mother, father uncle, cousins and siblins were trained to kill for the Amerequins under the Duvalier regime, namphi and Regala.

Duvalierist sanguinaire, cretin,voleurs, syphilist,degenerate, baboon toujou lache comme assassins et tres kapons et paranoid avek raison parceke yo konnin ke yo deja tuer 100,000 haitiens.

Response to:

Agent-x,Lavalas, are you guys want to assassinate the...


Flash derniere second: England and France Cancelled Martelly State Visit

Martelly received phone calls today from England and France from lower level employees at their foreign ministry...

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